Друштвени игри

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Next Station London

990.00 ден

The city of London has commissioned you to redesign its underground network! Optimise connections, serve as many sights as possible and exploit the tunnels that pass under the Thames. Be careful to respect the specifications set by the city.

  1. Reveal the next Station card.
  2. Draw a new section
  3. Optimise the 4 tube lines

Who will be the best project manager?

Which of you will be the best project manager?

Harry Potter – Who Is It?

690.00 ден
  • GUESSING GAME: In this Harry Potter themed game, players pick a character card and take turns asking yes or no questions to try to figure out which Harry Potter character their opponent picked.
  • FUN FOR EVERYONE: This 2 player game for ages 6 and up includes easy to follow gameplay instructions, a printed box for storage, and 72 character cards split into 3 separate colour-coded packs.
  • MAGICAL MERCHANDISE: If you’re a fan of Hogwarts and of the boy with the scar and glasses, this official Harry Potter game is for you! It’s made for any witch or wizard who loves the books and movies.
  • ORIGINAL GIFTWARE: For those in the fandom looking for novelty items and all things geek, crazy, and unique, Paladone is your best source for top selling toys, mugs, collectibles, and novelties.
  • OFFICIALLY LICENSED: This quality collectible is a unique addition to any fan’s set. Give this cool collector’s merchandise to mums, dads, fans, students, kids, boys & girls who love pop culture fun!

Брза и лесна игра за возраст од 6 и повеќе години.

Harry Potter – Avoid You Know Who

490.00 ден

Тој што нема да биде именуван – сите знаеме кои сме и повеќето од нас знаат дека и тој е најдобро да се избегнува. Па, тоа е целта на оваа игра со карти на тема Хари Потер.

Целта е да бидете сигурни дека вие не сте маглот кој останал да седи таму со картичката You-Know-Who – знаете, момчето со сив тен, пукнатини за ноздрите и отсуството на уши – тој. ВОЛДЕМОРТ!

Складирани во сладок дизајн на Deatheater калај, 48-те картички во целосна боја имаат каваи чиби верзии на актерската екипа на Хари Потер.

Играчите собираат парови на соодветни карти, кои потоа се ставаат со лицето нагоре на масата додека не се најдат сите парови. Еден играч, кој остана да седи таму со стариот смртник, е губитник.

Кутриот Волдеморт, цело време изоставен од сите покани за забава. Можеби затоа е толку лут?

Брза и лесна игра за возраст од 6 и повеќе години.

Plug & Play Ball

790.00 ден

Прифати го спортскиот предизвик и склопи ја топката!

Играњето на оваа игра ги стимулира следните когнитивни способности:

  1. концентрација
  2. просторен увид
  3. решавање на проблеми

Taco Back Goat Cheese Pizza!

690.00 ден

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza! Keep this crazy string of words in mind. As soon as there is a match between a card and a spoken word, race to slap the right side of your hand on the central pile of cards. The last person to do so must take them all!

Be quick to get rid of all your cards, but watch out! Your mind will play tricks on you. This addictive game is as unique as its name! Win Reward tokens for every success you achieve according to your role in the game in order to have as many as possible at the end of the game!



IQ Love

990.00 ден

Направете срце по шема!

Играњето на оваа игра ги стимулира следните когнитивни способности:

  1. концентрација
  2. логика
  3. решавање на проблеми

IQ Stixx

990.00 ден

Употребете ги сите трикови и наредете ги стапчињата!

5 хоризонтални стапчиња треба да се сместат врз 5 вертикални. 120 предизвици во оваа соло-игра погодна за патување.

Играњето на оваа игра ги стимулира следните когнитивни способности:

  1. концентрација
  2. логика
  3. решавање на проблеми

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

690.00 ден


Имајте ги на ум секогаш овие 5 луди зборови. Секогаш кога ќе дојде до совпаѓање на картата и изговорениот збор, ставете ја раката врз картите. Останатите играчи треба да го сторат истото после вас. Последниот го зема целиот куп карти и играта продолжува, се дур еден играч не се ослободи од сите карти. Толку е забавно, што едноставно ќе се навлечете на играва!

Big Bazar

990.00 ден

Check your reflexes! Ready? Set? Play! Be the first to spot cards of the same color and find the right answer to win them! How many legs are visible? What does it rhyme with? Who is the heaviest? Be careful as the instructions keep changing! It’s a big bazaar!

In Big Bazar, as soon as two cards of the same color are revealed, be the first to give the correct answer. Collect the most cards before the end of the game to win — but the rules keep changing, the game becomes complicated, and the answers are never the same!

Next Station London

990.00 ден

The city of London has commissioned you to redesign its underground network! Optimise connections, serve as many sights as possible and exploit the tunnels that pass under the Thames. Be careful to respect the specifications set by the city.

  1. Reveal the next Station card.
  2. Draw a new section
  3. Optimise the 4 tube lines

Who will be the best project manager?

Which of you will be the best project manager?

Oh my Gold!

690.00 ден
Heave-ho, sailors! The sea treasure is close at hand! Throw down the anchor in Oh My Gold! to go down, open all the mysterious chests, and bring them back on board your ship! But keep an eye out as you aren’t the only pirates with your eye on this fabulous treasure!

Who Did It? друштвена игра

690.00 ден

“My parrot did NOT poop in the middle of the living room, but I think a rabbit did it!” As the proud owner of a cute little rabbit, you need to quickly clear it of this deed and put the blame on
another’s pet. You must trust your memory and your reactivity or you might blame a pet already proven innocent and be left with clearing the mess!
Defend the innocence of your 6 pets by getting rid of all your cards. Quickly find the right card as they are accused, lay it down first, and then pass the blame to another animal. To avoid being the owner of the guilty pet, make sure to act fast and remember which animals were already proven innocent.