Друштвени игри

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Celestia (MK)

1,790.00 ден

Селестија е игра на вешти маневри, точна проценa и преземање ризик.
Изберете го вистинското време да го напуштите леталото и да ги откриете нејзините прекрасни богатства.

За време на своите патувања, Гуливер залудно го барал чудесниот свет наречен Cелестија. Во улога на овој познат авантурист почнете го вашето патување низ небесните градови, кои се исто толку мистериозни колку и богатствата што ги кријат. За време на овие авантури, ќе се соочите со опасни бури, пирати и грабливи птици. Дали вие ќе бидете најснаодливиот пилот во леталото? Колку ќе биде наградена вашата храбост?

Задржете се на леталото најдолго што можете и соберете ги највредните богатства од светот на Селестија.
Ризикувај за да добиеш!

  1. Капетанот ги открива опасностите со кои мора да се соочите.
  2. Продолжете со капетанот или напуштете го леталото за да ги соберете богатствата од градот.
  3. Доколку капетанот ја нема потребната опрема, леталото ќе се сруши!
Награди и признанија:
  • 2016 Tric Trac Nominee
  • 2016 Gioco dell’Anno Nominee
  • 2015 Jocul Anului în România Beginners Finalist

Mysterium Park (MK)

1,990.00 ден

Blue Lagoon is an area control and set collection game in which players manage a group of settlers spreading out over the islands of a newly discovered archipelago.

The game is played over two phases (the exploration phase followed by the settlement phase). Over the course of both phases, you will expand your presence on the board by adding one new token each turn (either a settler or a village token). The goal is to collect the resources scattered over the map by placing your tokens on top of them. In the first phase, you can place a new token anywhere you like, as long as it is touching either the lagoon OR one of your previously played tokens. In the second phase, the board is cleared, except for the villages, and now you can only expand from the villages you played in the first phase! At the end of both phases, players score points for the sets of resources they collected. Most points wins.


Награди и признанија:

  • 2019 Juego del Año Recommended


Blue Lagoon

1,990.00 ден

Blue Lagoon is an area control and set collection game in which players manage a group of settlers spreading out over the islands of a newly discovered archipelago.

The game is played over two phases (the exploration phase followed by the settlement phase). Over the course of both phases, you will expand your presence on the board by adding one new token each turn (either a settler or a village token). The goal is to collect the resources scattered over the map by placing your tokens on top of them. In the first phase, you can place a new token anywhere you like, as long as it is touching either the lagoon OR one of your previously played tokens. In the second phase, the board is cleared, except for the villages, and now you can only expand from the villages you played in the first phase! At the end of both phases, players score points for the sets of resources they collected. Most points wins.


Награди и признанија:

  • 2019 Juego del Año Recommended


Vikings on Board

2,190.00 ден
Vikings on Board is a big box, family strategy game in which you will use your Viking tokens to claim actions on the board which best benefit your clan’s voyage. The ships are composed of several different segments, which switch from ship to ship based on the actions you claim. Your goal is to have the most of your clan’s pieces on a ship when it set sail, to claim the biggest portion of its points. Pay close attention: your rivals will be eager to change the composition of your ships, as well as the value of their merchandise!