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Книга со 6 сложувалки Sea World

390.00 ден

Книга со 6 сложувалки Sea World

Наменета за дечиња на возраст од  3 до 6 години кои се љубители на морскиот свет. Интересна книга за подарок во која ќе најдете 6 различни сложувалки, кои ќе го задржат вниманието на вашето дете.


Книга со 6 сложувалки Forest Animal

390.00 ден

Книга со 6 сложувалки Forest Animal

Наменета за дечиња на возраст од  3 до 6 години кои се љубители на шумата и животинскиот свет. Интересна книга за подарок во која ќе најдете 6 различни сложувалки, кои ќе го задржат вниманието на вашето дете.


Книга со 6 сложувалки Dinosaur

390.00 ден

Книга со 6 сложувалки Dinosaur

Наменета за дечиња на возраст од  3 до 6 години кои се љубители на диносаурусите. Интересна книга за подарок во која ќе најдете 6 различни сложувалки, кои ќе го задржат вниманието на вашето дете.


Книга со 6 сложувалки Garden Fairy

390.00 ден

Книга со 6 сложувалки Garden Fairy

Наменета за дечиња на возраст од  3 до 6 години. Интересна книга за подарок во која ќе најдете 6 различни сложувалки, кои ќе го задржат вниманието на вашето дете.

Celestia (MK)

1,790.00 ден

Селестија е игра на вешти маневри, точна проценa и преземање ризик.
Изберете го вистинското време да го напуштите леталото и да ги откриете нејзините прекрасни богатства.

За време на своите патувања, Гуливер залудно го барал чудесниот свет наречен Cелестија. Во улога на овој познат авантурист почнете го вашето патување низ небесните градови, кои се исто толку мистериозни колку и богатствата што ги кријат. За време на овие авантури, ќе се соочите со опасни бури, пирати и грабливи птици. Дали вие ќе бидете најснаодливиот пилот во леталото? Колку ќе биде наградена вашата храбост?

Задржете се на леталото најдолго што можете и соберете ги највредните богатства од светот на Селестија.
Ризикувај за да добиеш!

  1. Капетанот ги открива опасностите со кои мора да се соочите.
  2. Продолжете со капетанот или напуштете го леталото за да ги соберете богатствата од градот.
  3. Доколку капетанот ја нема потребната опрема, леталото ќе се сруши!
Награди и признанија:
  • 2016 Tric Trac Nominee
  • 2016 Gioco dell’Anno Nominee
  • 2015 Jocul Anului în România Beginners Finalist

Mysterium Park (MK)

1,990.00 ден

Blue Lagoon is an area control and set collection game in which players manage a group of settlers spreading out over the islands of a newly discovered archipelago.

The game is played over two phases (the exploration phase followed by the settlement phase). Over the course of both phases, you will expand your presence on the board by adding one new token each turn (either a settler or a village token). The goal is to collect the resources scattered over the map by placing your tokens on top of them. In the first phase, you can place a new token anywhere you like, as long as it is touching either the lagoon OR one of your previously played tokens. In the second phase, the board is cleared, except for the villages, and now you can only expand from the villages you played in the first phase! At the end of both phases, players score points for the sets of resources they collected. Most points wins.


Награди и признанија:

  • 2019 Juego del Año Recommended


Blue Lagoon

1,990.00 ден

Blue Lagoon is an area control and set collection game in which players manage a group of settlers spreading out over the islands of a newly discovered archipelago.

The game is played over two phases (the exploration phase followed by the settlement phase). Over the course of both phases, you will expand your presence on the board by adding one new token each turn (either a settler or a village token). The goal is to collect the resources scattered over the map by placing your tokens on top of them. In the first phase, you can place a new token anywhere you like, as long as it is touching either the lagoon OR one of your previously played tokens. In the second phase, the board is cleared, except for the villages, and now you can only expand from the villages you played in the first phase! At the end of both phases, players score points for the sets of resources they collected. Most points wins.


Награди и признанија:

  • 2019 Juego del Año Recommended


Vikings on Board

2,190.00 ден
Vikings on Board is a big box, family strategy game in which you will use your Viking tokens to claim actions on the board which best benefit your clan’s voyage. The ships are composed of several different segments, which switch from ship to ship based on the actions you claim. Your goal is to have the most of your clan’s pieces on a ship when it set sail, to claim the biggest portion of its points. Pay close attention: your rivals will be eager to change the composition of your ships, as well as the value of their merchandise!



1,790.00 ден

Neoville is looking for architects to build a city that is a combination of human habitation and the natural world. Are you up to the challenge?

Position tiles strategically to build skyscrapers and utilities in your 4×4 city. Skyscrapers will be worth harmony points at the end of the game based on their value and district size. Utilities will be worth harmony points when their position in the city fits their own requirements. However, skyscrapers or utilities that do not meet their requirements will count as negative points!

Who will design the most harmonious city with nature?

Lost Seas

1,290.00 ден

There is a host of terrible tales surrounding the mysterious uncharted depths of the Lost Seas. Rumours of giant krakens, infernal maelstroms, huge sea serpents and hostile deserted islands abound, and only skeletal shipwrecks remain as testament to tentative past expeditions. It is time to arm yourselves with the latest instruments of navigation and prepare to set sail on your most daring expedition yet, knowing that if you succeed, the glory will be beyond your wildest dreams and your map will become the stuff of legends.

Forge your own legend by charting your exploits in the terrifying and hostile Lost Seas. Only the most perilous and daring journey will go down in history.

  1. Plan your Expedition
  2. Explore the dangerous depths of the Lost Seas
  3. Map your perilous journey


Bellum Magica

1,990.00 ден

Each player represents an evil lord.
Recruit creatures, ranging from simple goblins to terrifying dragons, and assign them a task in your kingdom: some will go to gather resources and explore the surroundings, while others will join your army to attack the human kingdom and other players.

Collect chests full of treasures and become the richest and most powerful evil lord of all time!

But how to do it?

  1. Choose an active horde: The Captain rolls the dice to define which horde will work today (with the possibility to make the Captain to roll again with one barrel resource).
  2. Gather resources: Gather units of food at the level of your active horde capacity.
  3. Call back scouts: Your treasure cards could make you win immediately Metal or Wooden chest!
  4. Attack! Following the turn order (starting with the Captain in clockwise), each player can carry out one attack by choosing between attack the human kingdom or attack another player’s castle. (number of shield vs number of sword)
  5. Recruit creatures to end the turn: Each player can recruit creatures by spending their food and symbols, recruit to have more resources and more chests!

The first player with 10 or more chests ends the game and the player with the more values in those chests wins the game!


Next Station London

990.00 ден

The city of London has commissioned you to redesign its underground network! Optimise connections, serve as many sights as possible and exploit the tunnels that pass under the Thames. Be careful to respect the specifications set by the city.

  1. Reveal the next Station card.
  2. Draw a new section
  3. Optimise the 4 tube lines

Who will be the best project manager?

Which of you will be the best project manager?

Moon River

1,990.00 ден

Moon River uses the Kingdomino game system — but without dominoes.

In the game, you will build a personal landscape of tiles to score points, but instead of tiling dominoes in your landscape, the game uses half-dominoes in which one edge has a jigsaw puzzle-style connection. You combine two of these half puzzle pieces to craft your own dominoes. This mechanism is meant to provide more variability and randomization in each play.

Instead of building your landscape around a central castle, you start from the river and expand away from it. Also, the crowns (i.e., the victory point multiplier) from Kingdomino are replaced by cow meeples, with players being able to use cowboys to move them.

Terraforming Mars

3,990.00 ден

In the 2400s, mankind begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, initiate huge projects to raise the temperature, the oxygen level, and the ocean coverage until the environment is habitable. In Terraforming Mars, you play one of those corporations and work together in the terraforming process, but compete for getting victory points that are awarded not only for your contribution to the terraforming, but also for advancing human infrastructure throughout the solar system, and doing other commendable things.

The players acquire unique project cards (from over two hundred different ones) by buying them to their hand. The projects (cards) can represent anything from introducing plant life or animals, hurling asteroids at the surface, building cities, to mining the moons of Jupiter and establishing greenhouse gas industries to heat up the atmosphere. The cards can give you immediate bonuses, as well as increasing your production of different resources. Many cards also have requirements and they become playable when the temperature, oxygen, or ocean coverage increases enough. Buying cards is costly, so there is a balance between buying cards (3 megacredits per card) and actually playing them (which can cost anything between 0 to 41 megacredits, depending on the project). Standard Projects are always available to complement your cards.

Your basic income, as well as your basic score, is based on your Terraform Rating (starting at 20), which increases every time you raise one of the three global parameters. However, your income is complemented with your production, and you also get VPs from many other sources.

Each player keeps track of their production and resources on their player boards, and the game uses six types of resources: MegaCredits, Steel, Titanium, Plants, Energy, and Heat. On the game board, you compete for the best places for your city tiles, ocean tiles, and greenery tiles. You also compete for different Milestones and Awards worth many VPs. Each round is called a generation (guess why) and consists of the following phases:

1) Player order shifts clockwise.
2) Research phase: All players buy cards from four privately drawn.
3) Action phase: Players take turns doing 1-2 actions from these options: Playing a card, claiming a Milestone, funding an Award, using a Standard project, converting plant into greenery tiles (and raising oxygen), converting heat into a temperature raise, and using the action of a card in play. The turn continues around the table (sometimes several laps) until all players have passed.
4) Production phase: Players get resources according to their terraform rating and production parameters.

When the three global parameters (temperature, oxygen, ocean) have all reached their goal, the terraforming is complete, and the game ends after that generation. Count your Terraform Rating and other VPs to determine the winning corporation!

Награди и признанија:

  • 2018 Guldbrikken Best Expert Game Winner
  • 2018 As d’Or – Jeu de l’Année Expert Winner
  • 2018 As d’Or – Jeu de l’Année Expert Nominee
  • 2017 Tric Trac Nominee
  • 2017 Tric Trac d’Argent
  • 2017 Spiel der Spiele Hit für Experten Recommended
  • 2017 Kennerspiel des Jahres Nominee
  • 2017 Jogo do Ano Nominee
  • 2017 International Gamers Award – General Strategy: Multi-player Nominee
  • 2017 Gouden Ludo Best Expert Game Nominee
  • 2017 Goblin Magnifico Nominee
  • 2017 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming Nominee
  • 2017 Deutscher Spiele Preis Best Family/Adult Game Winner
  • 2017 Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board Game Nominee
  • 2016 Swiss Gamers Award Nominee
  • 2016 Golden Geek Board Game of the Year Nominee
  • 2016 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Nominee
  • 2016 Golden Geek Best Solo Board Game Nominee
  • 2016 Cardboard Republic Architect Laurel Winner
  • 2016 Cardboard Republic Architect Laurel Nominee


Детски LCD таблет Talking Tom

590.00 ден

Модерна технологија за најмалите

Детски LCD таблет Talking Tom опремен со професионално пенкало за пишување и лесен за ракување.

LCD индуктивната површина го прави цртањето и пишувањето уникатно без никакво одложување при користењето на пенкалото.

Talking Tom

950.00 ден

Talking Tom е омилената игра и омилениот лик на многу дечиња, но сега може да ја имате оваа играчка во вашите раце без да ја трошите батеријата од телефонот. Нашиот Том преде кога го галите, се смее кога го скокоткате и повторува по вас кога зборувате.

Стаза со пингвини

1,050.00 ден
  • Сосема забавна детска игра..
    Пингвини се движат по скалите и се спуштаат по тобоганот
    Играчката има свои звучни и светлосни ефекти…
    Димензии 27 x 14 x 17 cm

Дрвен воз

1,285.00 ден

Дрвен воз со локомотива и два вагони во различни бои со различни геометриски форми. Продуктот е изработен од дрво со нетоксични бои

Sluban Girls Dream – Дневна соба

340.00 ден

Со овој разнобоен сет коцки од детската колекција на Слубан, најмладите градители ќе имаат можност да создаваат секакви креации од својата имагинација! Сетот се состои од 139 коцки со различни бои, форми и големини за да поддржат долготрајна креативна игра. Сите коцки се направени од високо-квалитетни материјали и се CE, ROHS and ISO 9001:2008 сертифицирани.

Sluban Girls Dream – Коњ и Кочија

815.00 ден

Со овој разнобоен сет коцки од детската колекција на Слубан, најмладите градители ќе имаат можност да создаваат секакви креации од својата имагинација! Сетот се состои од 139 коцки со различни бои, форми и големини за да поддржат долготрајна креативна игра. Сите коцки се направени од високо-квалитетни материјали и се CE, ROHS and ISO 9001:2008 сертифицирани.

Sluban Girls Dream – Продавница за облека

695.00 ден

Со овој разнобоен сет коцки од детската колекција на Слубан, најмладите градители ќе имаат можност да создаваат секакви креации од својата имагинација! Сетот се состои од 56 коцки со различни бои, форми и големини за да поддржат долготрајна креативна игра. Сите коцки се направени од високо-квалитетни материјали и се CE, ROHS and ISO 9001:2008 сертифицирани.

Sluban коцки – комплет коцки

1,450.00 ден

Со овој разнобоен сет коцки од детската колекција на Слубан, најмладите градители ќе имаат можност да создаваат секакви креации од својата имагинација! Сетот се состои од 415 коцки со различни бои, форми и големини за да поддржат долготрајна креативна игра. Сите коцки се направени од високо-квалитетни материјали и се CE, ROHS and ISO 9001:2008 сертифицирани. Препорачана возраст: 6+ години.